Monday, April 13, 2009

4.10.09 - 4.13.09

4.10.09 - some of my wonky radishes. these were started in peat pots, and that sort of affected the way they grew. they tasted just fine though!

4.10.09 - the extry strawberry plants. was gonna plant them outside the fence and sacrifice their offerings to the birds, but got greedy and changed my mind! found this little strawberry pot in my garage and set it by the front door.

4.10.09 berries on the vine. oh, so sweet.

4.11.09 - It's Saturday. I received my auger drill bit either Tuesday or Wednesday of this week. I willed myself not to use it until the weekend. My reasoning? "If I get out there in the yard and it doesn't work, I'm going to have to trouble shoot, and for that, I need light. If I get out there and it does, I'm going to be excited and will need to keep working, and for that, I need light. Either way, I need light. Dusk is still early. I'll be sad if I don't wait until Saturday". Trent watched me give this explanation in disbelief. Most chicks dig rocks. I dig rocks too, just with an auger, not a platinum setting.

heckling the photographer for taking photos at such odd angles...

The auger works!! That's a beer bottle in the ground there. Keep it clean, friends, keep it CLEAN!

4.12.09 - Laying out plants and a soaker hose for the front bed. Most of these plants were culled from over-crowded beds or a set of "strays" I had in the back yard.

When working with soaker hoses, I've found it's a very good idea to unwind them completely before trying to lay them in a bed. Letting them warm in the sun is even better, as is running water through them for a bit. Softens them up and makes them easier to shape and manipulate.

Digging the trench for the cedar edging.

Unrolling the first reel of edging. Still battling the soaker. Trying to figure out a soaker hose splice situation that will allow me to add a water spigot in the middle of the soaker (instead of on the end), add a section of regular garden hose (to be fed under a stone pathway), reconnect to the other part of the soaker, and end in a capped end, not an open hose nozzle. In the end, this took a minimum of 3 Home Depot trips, and the final, successful one was only "final" and "successful" because I picked the whole thing up and took it with me and fitted the parts directly to the hoses while in the store. Bastiges!! My drawings shoulda been more than enough.

4.13.09 - Partially finished front beds. Still need to figure out the hose situation, plant some more stuff, and mulch. And make the path a little more stable. And finish the cedar edging. Why do all of my "to do" lists have so many "and"s in them?

I think adding the edging cleans things up ENORMOUSLY!

the mailbox pathway. Yay, pathway!

Pretty sharp, if I may say so myself...