Thursday, January 29, 2009


This weekend is going to be chock-a-bloc full of gardening. To the gills. Weather be damned. Four blackberry plants (two brazos plants and two kiowa bareroots, thank you very much) to put in the ground, a meyer lemon to pot, need to move all of the plot-stakes based on the new measurements of the yard (upon completion of the fence later today), need to strip the paint off an old bench, repaint it and put new legs on it, finish the exisiting garden box (need to make it taller), put the grid in it, mix the soil, load and plant the box, add the bird/weed/frost/sun protection supports, paint and build another box and lather-rinse-repeat, get serious about the walkway, edge the back beds, mow the backyard, treat for take-all-weed.........*inhales deeply* This list never ends. I could go on and on. But somehow, I love it. I love it, I tell you.

Pictures to come of the new fence, as well as progress on this list.

maybe borrow my friend ed's chainsaw and do better with that crepe myrtle stump, plot the decorative fence on the other side of the driveway, plot the plants to go between that fence and the driveway, keep playing "mad scientist" with my seedlings in my window boxes, treat the back yard flower beds for bugs, prep for the forthcoming blueberry plants, finalize compost pile construction plan, plan which back yard plants are going to be moved to the front yard and where they're going to go, keep working past posts into blog, plot where existing and future seedlings are going to go, figure out how to train the morning glories up the pole that should hold our street sign....

1 comment:

  1. The chainsaw is available if you need it. I'll probably wander down to The Natural Gardener this weekend to buy some Mountain Laurels. I measured the back, I think I only need 2.
