Thursday, September 3, 2009


Playing catch up on the blog. It’s late January, 2010, and I’m filling in captions and notes for draft entries for months past. Cheers!
The cantaloupe bed at its finest. There were three producing plants, all intertwined together. I think two were the same kind, and the third was different, but I'll be darned if I can't remember what I planted. Hoping it's in my notes!
It was time to pull out the cantaloupe vines and try to get some squash going for fall. I kept wanting to take the vines out, but each time I looked, there were several more well established baby melons visible and I just couldn't bring myself to do it! Note to self: The last few weeks of cantaloupes weren't very tasty. Once the quality starts to diminish, pull them out, work in compost, and start new crops. Don't be so sentimental. (It's hard, I know, I KNOW!)

All cleaned up, with just a few left for Trent to devour. I like cantaloupe plenty, but he ADORED these. That was pretty cool. And since the watermelons were all for me, it worked out just fine. When I asked Trent if I should grow cantaloupes again in 2010, the response was a firm, "Hellz Ya".

You can't read the marker, but this was a pumpkin plant, started from seed. It took over the bed that one of the watermelon plants had been in.

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