Sunday, January 17, 2010


Some "afters"...

The non-producing rose bush is gone, but not much else is changed here. Oh, yeah, I pulled out the remains of the pumpkin vines.

The weed looking thing at the bottom center of this picture is an artichoke plant. Actually, it's two of 'em. I'm hoping it's a green one and a purple one, but only time will tell. Under the chicken wire cage is another one. It's a little smaller and I've caught a local tom cat sniffing a bit too intently at it, so I put the cage over it to protect it until it's big enough to be annoying to the cat. Believe me, it won't take long.

The yellow circle at the top of this picture shows you were a lot of very long branches from the neighbor's tree used to be. Last spring I didn't get them trimmed and they cast a LOT of shade. Of course, I might find out this year that it was the shade that made my melon vines so prolific, but we'll see. The orange line just shows where I used my laser beam to cut the branches.

About 1/5th of the bed has been cleaned here. More work to be done. LOTS more...

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