Sunday, April 1, 2012

Color Therapy!

Today I wanted some instant gratification.  I wanted to see some color and some more forward motion. 

I decided to do two things – plant out the trashcan garden that was once intended for blackberry canes, and play with the placement of containers around the newly laid sod. 

Jebus, even when I set specific, bite-sized goals, they still take all damn day.  I got up at 9 AM, was working on this stuff by 10 AM, and wrapped things up at 5:30 PM.  No lunch break to speak of, but there was at least an hour of shopping for supplies in there.  I’ll say it again, HGTV is a curse as much as a blessing.  I get tons of ideas and instruction watching those shows, but my GOD!  Progress with a whole crew and producers and editing is much different from an “IRL” one-girl show.  Stuff that on TV takes just a few minutes, takes FOREVER in actuality, and I’m no slouch. 

Yeesh, but enough of the grousing. 

Here are some happy pictures!

The first rose off the bushes in the rock garden.  Loverly!  Very spicy scent, too.  Love it!

Trash Can Garden BEFORE:  Had to pull all the weeds out, and finally dig out the thorny remains of my failed blackberry canes.



Trash Can Garden DURING:
Weeds are gone…



Placing the plants…



Planted, for real and for true…


I need to tweak ‘em a bit… One still needs a hibiscus, one needs a flowering ground cover, and one needs the vertical element improved, but the foundation is there.  SCHWEET!

And last but not least, the containers around the new patch‘o’sod…

Container Garden 01


I also spent some time spraying the Bermuda Grass poison on the pavers again. It was a little windy, so I cut the bottom out of an empty milk gallon and put the spray nozzle into that to contain any overspray so I didn't kill all of the sod I just laid.  I sprayed all of the grass in the sidewalk bed as well, as that project is soon to come to the top of the list...  Finally, I took the one and a half pieces of left over sod, cut it into little plugs, and transplanted all of them into the backyard.  The grass back there will eventually die off in the heat, and getting these plugs started now might give them enough time to take off and start spreading...

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