Sunday, February 15, 2009

2.14.08 and 2.15.08

More painting done this weekend. This is the lumber for the last 4 boxes, all of which are taller than the other 6. I wanted some boxes to be deeper for crops like beets, radishes, carrots - things that need to have deeper roots. I'm pretty sure the painting took most of the day Saturday. Between coats, I think I dug the trench for the edging on the property line between our driveway and our western neighbor. I probably also did a lot more "Mad Scientist" tinkering in the kitchen in the evenings, working with my seed collections, feverishly planting more of my little lovelies!!

Sunday - Painted and assembled! I rock.

My honey, all boxed in. Hehehehe...

All of the boxes, laid out on the ground. Trent helped me straighten them out one last time. We marked all of the corners with the pink flags and pulled out the bulky stakes. VERY COOL!

...the view from the street...

I've attached eye screws to the box sides at 11.5", 23", and 34.5". In this picture, I'm running a string line across the box to create the grid that is essential for "square foot gardening".

Very happy girl here. Giddy, even. I've finished tying the strings in one direction and am working on the others. The yard is finally beginning to LOOK like something other than a big mess. I'm also sort of punch-drunk at this point. It's been many, many weekends of hard, hard work. You might think I cracked a beer right after this, but you would be wrong. I think I took about 2 minutes to look things over, then picked another task to work on...

Yep. That's what I did. Idle hands do the Devil's work, after all. On Saturday, between coats of primer and paint, I dug the trench to lay the edging into. I got to within 5 feet of the back fence when I ran into roots of some sort that bested me. Trent helped me knock those out Sunday, and then helped me lay the edging. What a guy!

So this is what I laid into Sunday, after finishing tying my string grid. Trent had been chopping away at the last of the roots without much success. I had a brainstorm and fetched the jigsaw to dispatch the last ornery one! Then we laid the edging. Thrilling, I know.

(*catcall here*)

Almost finished...

The number of seedlings has grown exponentially here! All of my puttering, come to life. I'm so proud of all of my little plantlets!

Hardening them off...


This is Mr. Burpee. He lives under the Austin blueberry at the end of the driveway. He has very bad manners.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Yesterday I received my blueberry plants from Willis Nurseries. They were so pretty and healthy looking! I got them into the ground tonight. I didn't have time to test my soil, but I'll knock that out this weekend and can put amendments on top of and around the soil I put the blueberries in. They're hardy. I planted them, from sidewalk to house, in alphabetical order: Austin, Brightwell, Climax, and Tifblue! Yay, blueberries!

I then took the time to go through my 12 flats of seedlings to pull out the ones that are so big that they're propping the little clear plastic greenhouse tops off of the flats. I lost count of how many there are. I had a dozen or so that I pulled last week and started hardening off this week. I have them set up in a tray and I put them all outside at once. When they've been outside long enough, I email Trent and he brings them in for me! He's pretty great. Guess I'll keep him.
Yesterday, I just had the one tray. After today's culling, I have three. Three trays, full of seedlings ready to go into the ground. I'm all out of peat pots. And now I have to get most of the trays set up with replacement plugs (which, oddly enough, are significantly bigger than the ones they trays come with) and get more seedlings going. I have plenty more seeds...and more on the way. I'm obsessed.

the ones in this tray and the other, smaller round tray are the newer ones...

the ones doubled up in the little plastic containers are the ones that have been hardening off longer...

That's all for now!

Monday, February 2, 2009


Very satisfying end to the weekend, even with the schedule derailment. Spent the morning raking up the leaf mould matting the backyard. Saved it for my SFG mix. A little bit of shredded leaves or grass left on the lawn is beneficial. However, when I mowed my fall leaf bounty and left it on the ground, it formed an impenetrable barrier and did more harm than good to the lawn, which was already suffering from aggressive mowing. Trent and I were keeping the grass very short because it makes it easier to clean up after the dogs. I didn’t realize until too late that we were doing a lot of damage. I think that we also have take-all patch, so after I raked up the nice mulchy leaves, I sprayed the yard with a treatment to try to get it back on track. We’ll see how it goes… That’s a mighty trifecta of lawn damage to try to recover from!

After doing that, it was off to the garden shop. I won’t name which one, because I got kind of frustrated today but in the big picture, I really like this store and don’t want to give them a bad review. Last weekend, I went to this nursery and asked for vermiculite. One of the team members went and got it and put it at the front desk for me so that I could go shop. I picked up a few other things and checked out and loaded my product, never really taking a good look at it. I went to work with it this weekend and found that it was perlite, not vermiculite, so I had to take it back. When I did, instead of refunding my money for the perlite and applying it to the cost of my vermiculite ( and other items) they charged me a second time for the perlite. Which I left with them, because I didn’t want it. So I had paid for it twice, but didn’t actually own any of it after doing so. I didn’t notice because I get euphoric when I’m at that garden shop, all excited about my projects and stuff, and I enjoy chatting with the staff.

I leave, hit the grocery store on my way home. Returning to reality via the mundane task of grocery shopping brought the transaction at the nursery back to the forefront of my mind. Wait, HOW much did I just spend? Sure enough, I check the receipt and see that they did what I described above. So I called and they were quick to fix it and are mailing me the refund receipts, but that sort of chapped my hide. I checked my bank account online this morning to see the refund (not posted yet since it took place on a Sunday) and noticed that they had charged me twice on Saturday for a single coffee. Which they caught at the time, and the barista swears that they did a refund, but I didn’t take the receipt for that one, and I’m just ticked. It’s a couple bucks, but that’s twice in a row.

Anywhooo…So after working on the backyard for a bit, and completing my marathon of project related errands, I went back to my painting. And paint I did. I finished the second coat on all of the lumber. I was all pumped to start building these 5 boxes, but my second pair of hands had just left to go shoot hoops. I was too stamped to let that stop me, and managed to assemble 2 of the 5 by myself. I discovered a couple of things I’m going to need to do differently for the remaining ones that will make the assembly process take a little longer, but it will go a lot more smoothly. And it will eliminate the warping I experienced with the first two. So I need to tweak those two a bit. I also need to get more screw-driver bits for the drill. I stripped 3. ‘Cause I’m crazy like that! Even though I have to tweak those two boxes, I’ve set the complete ones in the yard, and I’m really beginning to see how it’s going to look in the end. I mean, I’ve been able to see it in my mind’s eye all of this time, but it’s finally beginning manifest itself. As I told Trent, “I’m totally high on it”.

Before I could put the boxes down, I had to move the markers a bit. The fence line nearest the sidewalk got moved closer to the house by 4", and I needed to accomodate that. I also realized that I had a 9' walkway down the middle of the yard. I could move the boxes closer to the center of the yard and give the blackberries, citrus trees, and blueberries more room to breathe. I made a little tool to help with all of the measurements. I was moving all of the beds a foot and a half in, and 4 inches up. I made a little 'L' shaped stick with the appropriate measurements so that if I positioned the stick base in the center of an existing stake, the point at the end of the "L" would show me exactly where to put the new marker. It'll need a little tweaking before I start filling the boxes, but it's good enough for now.

my magic stick

lining it up with the old markers and a string line

putting in a new marker

I think this week I’m going to have to come up with a firm schedule of completion. Not so much firm on the actual date things get done, but on the order in which they get done. If my finances dry up, I’ll have to take a break and that’s ok. But as long as that’s not the case, it will be helpful to have an outline of which pieces require others to be in place before they can be started. It seems a GANTT chart is in order here… Yay, Project Management!

boxes on the ground. YAY!!

so many angles to view them from!!

from outside the gate!

striking a pose? very proud of myself. what the hell was i looking at, anyway?