Thursday, February 5, 2009


Yesterday I received my blueberry plants from Willis Nurseries. They were so pretty and healthy looking! I got them into the ground tonight. I didn't have time to test my soil, but I'll knock that out this weekend and can put amendments on top of and around the soil I put the blueberries in. They're hardy. I planted them, from sidewalk to house, in alphabetical order: Austin, Brightwell, Climax, and Tifblue! Yay, blueberries!

I then took the time to go through my 12 flats of seedlings to pull out the ones that are so big that they're propping the little clear plastic greenhouse tops off of the flats. I lost count of how many there are. I had a dozen or so that I pulled last week and started hardening off this week. I have them set up in a tray and I put them all outside at once. When they've been outside long enough, I email Trent and he brings them in for me! He's pretty great. Guess I'll keep him.
Yesterday, I just had the one tray. After today's culling, I have three. Three trays, full of seedlings ready to go into the ground. I'm all out of peat pots. And now I have to get most of the trays set up with replacement plugs (which, oddly enough, are significantly bigger than the ones they trays come with) and get more seedlings going. I have plenty more seeds...and more on the way. I'm obsessed.

the ones in this tray and the other, smaller round tray are the newer ones...

the ones doubled up in the little plastic containers are the ones that have been hardening off longer...

That's all for now!

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