Sunday, February 15, 2009

2.14.08 and 2.15.08

More painting done this weekend. This is the lumber for the last 4 boxes, all of which are taller than the other 6. I wanted some boxes to be deeper for crops like beets, radishes, carrots - things that need to have deeper roots. I'm pretty sure the painting took most of the day Saturday. Between coats, I think I dug the trench for the edging on the property line between our driveway and our western neighbor. I probably also did a lot more "Mad Scientist" tinkering in the kitchen in the evenings, working with my seed collections, feverishly planting more of my little lovelies!!

Sunday - Painted and assembled! I rock.

My honey, all boxed in. Hehehehe...

All of the boxes, laid out on the ground. Trent helped me straighten them out one last time. We marked all of the corners with the pink flags and pulled out the bulky stakes. VERY COOL!

...the view from the street...

I've attached eye screws to the box sides at 11.5", 23", and 34.5". In this picture, I'm running a string line across the box to create the grid that is essential for "square foot gardening".

Very happy girl here. Giddy, even. I've finished tying the strings in one direction and am working on the others. The yard is finally beginning to LOOK like something other than a big mess. I'm also sort of punch-drunk at this point. It's been many, many weekends of hard, hard work. You might think I cracked a beer right after this, but you would be wrong. I think I took about 2 minutes to look things over, then picked another task to work on...

Yep. That's what I did. Idle hands do the Devil's work, after all. On Saturday, between coats of primer and paint, I dug the trench to lay the edging into. I got to within 5 feet of the back fence when I ran into roots of some sort that bested me. Trent helped me knock those out Sunday, and then helped me lay the edging. What a guy!

So this is what I laid into Sunday, after finishing tying my string grid. Trent had been chopping away at the last of the roots without much success. I had a brainstorm and fetched the jigsaw to dispatch the last ornery one! Then we laid the edging. Thrilling, I know.

(*catcall here*)

Almost finished...

The number of seedlings has grown exponentially here! All of my puttering, come to life. I'm so proud of all of my little plantlets!

Hardening them off...


This is Mr. Burpee. He lives under the Austin blueberry at the end of the driveway. He has very bad manners.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Has any one seen Nola? Mr. Burpee looks WAY-Y-Y too smug and satisfied...
