Saturday, March 21, 2009

3.21.09 - 3.22.09

Sigh. Still workin' my fingers to the nub...

We finished the blue side fence this weekend, and I tilled and amended the soil. I moved a couple of rose bushes from the back yard and planted them in the "blue fence bed", as well as 3 jasmine. I also moved the “volunteer” rose bush that I had brought over from under the living room windows. It’s in deep shock right now, but I think it’ll make it. There are two or three “front and center” spaces left for some bleeding heart from my mom's garden to climb up that fence along side the jasmine. It’s going to be so gorgeous, woven in and among darker green jasmine foliage. I won’t get much of a jasmine bloom this spring since I moved them so late, but I think I’ll get one in the fall. In the meantime, the big, bright, heart shaped leaves and the shockingly red flowers of the bleeding hearts will be amazing behind the roses. Sigh. I’m hoping to work in a soaker hose and more plants throughout the week, then add mulch.

I also planted a bunch more dianthus around the fence line. And some coleus. It looks pretty great. It’s going to be awesome when it fills in!

This morning, I ate the first two strawberries out of my garden. They were so sweet and juicy. A lot juicier than even really good store-bought ones. And more tender – less fibrous. Yummers!

Side note...This blog is called Lang Gardens. "Gardens", with an 's' on the end. That's plural. That's 'cause prior to this year, tons of energy had been spent making the Lang backyard something special too. Flower beds, hardscaping, a privacy fence to beat all privacy fences... So here's a little bit about all of that. A few notes about the work done over the weekend to clean things up, but mostly some sweet pics. Enjoy...

Work notes: Weeded about 6 bags of weeds (those big brown recycling ones) out of the backyard this weekend. Have a ton more weeding to do to finish the back and then need to mulch, but it is SO alive back there. I had to stop and look and really make myself enjoy it several times throughout the weekend. It’s hard to see the gorgeous colors when you’ve got your nose literally in the dirt, pulling out weed after weed after weed. It is out of control back there!

It's a riot of color. Trent and I spent a good deal of time this winter, rushing to cover all of the backbeds with thrift store blankets before each freeze. Because of this, everything is raring to go and on fire with color, instead of just starting to wake up. Thanks for all of your help, Babe!

dianthus . geraniums . oxalis . sedum . ice plant . walking iris . spider grass

Hungry, hungry hippo! This is our loverly hippo, acquired the very first weekend of this project, after cutting out the sod. She's gorgeous, isn't she? Just a hair under 200 pounds of solid concrete. Fun to move!

The "Trashcan Garden", after a thorough weeding. Was hoping Nanny the Goat would take care of that for me, but she's pretty peckish for a goat.

Cut in a good 3" trench between my edging plants and the lawn. Makes it look a lot cleaner!

One of the "youngest" beds, just added Spring '08, during one of several Fence Build weekends. Really starting to fill out! Thanks Nico and Maggie and Momma!


The "Long Back Bed". Needs a LOT of work, but those geraniums more or less doubled in size since they were planted. This bed was also created in Spring '08. Thanks, Erica! I did this one all by myself!

One of my favorite "dendrons". Can't ever remember if it's a "Phila" or a "Rhodo", but I sure love that swoopy, swirly shape. Loverly!

sure is purdy...

one of just two plants that I clip to keep in shape. I adore the chartreuse baby leaves. Some mini roses and some kind of super fun daisy. more geraniums. rosemary.

that blasted rooster cracks up the car EVERY time I give him the keys. Coq au vin, anyone?

Our pesky "Gnome B Gones", doing their dastardly deeds. Carrying off the Gnome king, scattering the scared villagers. Looks like they each already have a mouthful to boot. Greedy bastards!

Trent's Cowboys helmet in a sea of creeping jenny. An airplane part. A ceramic-vehicle junkyard.

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