Saturday, October 10, 2009


Playing catch up on the blog. It’s late January, 2010, and I’m filling in captions and notes for draft entries for months past. Cheers!

Trying out brassicas! These are ALL from seed. Turnips in the bottom right corner. Kale just above it, some onions to the left of the turnips. Kohlrabi to the left of the onions. I forget the rest - probably some endive and broccoli.

I FINALLY got a brain and covered the central path in tarps to kill off the weeds. Oh, man, what a relief. Fingers crossed that I can get this paved in late winter/early spring 2010.

As I dig out topsoil to lay paths in the front yard, I've been moving that soil to the new bed in the back yard. Less grass = less to mow. But more flower beds = more places where the doggies get yelled at if they go and pee. There's a balance in there somewhere, I just KNOW it. The cardboard is not merely recycled, but it has been recycled TWICE. Yep. One of the work groups in my cubicle farm went to the local big box hardware store and asked for large appliance boxes. They used them to create a haunted pirate ship for Halloween. After scaring the bejeebers out of coworkers' kiddos, they gave me the cardboard, and now it's acting as a weed preventative. Yay!

Another angle. Man, just LOOK at that gorgeous fence! LOVE it.

Yep. Cardboard on soil.

So many bouquets!! This one has lemon basil in it for extra fragrance.

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