Saturday, October 24, 2009


Playing catch up on the blog. It’s late January, 2010, and I’m filling in captions and notes for draft entries for months past. Cheers!

This is a volunteer wax been plant. It just grew in one of the aisles. Thanks, Wax Bean Plant!!

So lush.


Look, ma! Blooming bleeding hearts!

Love this rose bush. Such an amazing color.


Can't get enough.

Baby squash, probably pumpkin, not sure what color.




I call this a goldfish plant, but I could be wrong. It never photographs very well. It has these cute little goldfish-lookin' flowers all over it.

Marigolds dripping over the side.

Some bright purple lettuce in there! And volunteer arugula!

A close-up of the volunteer bean bush. Royal Burgundy Bush Bean.

Chard and arugula and bush beans and lettuces and garlic...

This is a pumpkin plant - I think it's called "Jack-o-Lantern". It's the carving size...

My brassicas have taken off!


A little volunteer dianthus tucked under the hose tub.

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