Sunday, December 6, 2009


Playing catch up on the blog. It’s late January, 2010, and I’m filling in captions and notes for draft entries for months past. Cheers!

This was the "Caprese" bed. Now it's chock-a-block full of brassicas and other cold-loving veggies. The yellow plant spikes are the markers from The Great Outdoors. They have a ton of info on them, so when I made the metal plant spikes, I made sure to punch a hole in the bottoms of the yellow plastic stakes and thread them onto the hanger wire along with the metal tag. If I were TRULY efficient, I would have taken the yellow tags into the house and put them in my planting binder so the info would be at my fingertips, but I live in a state of barely managed chaos, and that's getting a little advanced!!

This is an artichoke plant (in the dead center of this box). It's supposed to over-winter well, then become a big, three- or four-foot by same bush by summer-ish, with the artichokes growing on stalks throughout. The other plants around it are rudibeckias (sp?). If they make it through the winter, they'll be moved to the "sidewalk" bed so the artichoke doesn't overtake them.

Brassica bed with metal stakes and the yellow info markers. One of my brassica beds was mostly grown from seed, and the other was mostly planted with starters from my favorite nursery, The Great Outdoors.

I think it's so cute, with all of those little tags standing sentry over the baby plantlets!!

The color of that firecracker lettuce is to die for!

It's fun to make these plant tags because precision is NOT the idea. I love the imperfection of them!



Which I found out, wasn't. Apparently TRUE endive refers to those little blanched football shaped heads of succulent crispiness, and requires a multi-faceted approach to growing. I will, of course, be doing this, but not this year. It'll have to wait until after ALL of my hardscaping is finally completed.

I forget the story on this little radish. I think it was a volunteer that just appeared in the middle of the yard. That's pro'lly it.

1 comment:

  1. What great ideas! The flexed pipe is ingenious - as is putting the nursery tag along with your own marker on the plants as you plant them. I love the metal ones you made for us and will steal your idea of adding the nursery info to the same hanger for my spring plantings. Thanks for sharing!
