Sunday, December 20, 2009


Playing catch up on the blog. It’s late January, 2010, and I’m filling in captions and notes for draft entries for months past. Cheers!

We did a white elephant gift exchange at the office where we were to spend no more than $10.00. So of course I would use this as a perfect opportunity to share my love of gardening! A few winter veggie starts from The Great Outdoors did the trick. I got a plastic bin at the dollar store, drilled drainage holes, lined it in cardboard, filled it with soil, and poked the plants in. I also typed up some "how to" notes. It was so fun to put together. I'm not 100% sure that the recipient was as thrilled as I was, but what can you do?

Let's see...curly endive, raddichio, firecracker lettuce, mibuna, another lettuce, and another veggie - can't remember what.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a great idea - who knows? Maybe you have inspired someone else to take up gardening. I'm sure you have close family members who would like seedlings...hint, hint.
