Sunday, November 15, 2009


Playing catch up on the blog. It’s late January, 2010, and I’m filling in captions and notes for draft entries for months past. Cheers!

These marigolds look so awesome! They just pour over the sides of the bright blue lumber and really stand out.

I think I finally have my plant stake design down. No need to make the ends of the stakes into spiral and try to corkscrew it into the soil. Straight does the trick way better. I'm using metal roof flashing, cutting it into rectangles and rounding off the corners. I have a couple sets of steel alphabet die stamps, and I hammer in the plant names. Finally, I use a black paint pen to darken the punched letters. Unwinding a coat hanger and cutting it in half gives the ideal length of wire. There's enough to stab it into the ground sufficiently deep for it to be stable, a few inches at the top to coil into a circle to hang the tag on, and about 18" of gently swaying stake. I HATE windchimes with a passion, but these swinging softly in the breeze make a lovely, whispy metallic sound.

This is the SINGLE "Jack-o-lantern" pumpkin that made it to full size. I got this planted late, too, because I had a couple of precious watermelons still on the vine that I was holding out for. Alas, the "fuzzy lizard" got one, and the other just disappeared. I'm not really sure what happened to it, but I'm fairly certain that whatever it was, it was an event of the natural world ("fuzzy lizard", water-induced rot), and not an abduction.

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