Saturday, November 21, 2009


Playing catch up on the blog. It’s late January, 2010, and I’m filling in captions and notes for draft entries for months past. Cheers!

This is one of my white mini-pumpkins. The variety has the cutest name, something like "Spooktacular" or something like that. I'll have to check my seed collection. This little guy got about as big as a baby's head. (What?! I couldn't think of a sport with a ball that was the right size! Yeesh.)

Lovely squash blossoms, and a mini orange pumpkin that some garden invader nommed. I wanted to fry up those blossoms, but wasn't sure if all squash flowers are edible, or just particular varieties. Oh well, there's always next year!

Another baby pumpkin. They're just so cute! Spoiler alert - I ended up having to harvest all of my squash early due to an early freeze. The ones I had to harvest green eventually (as in, 3-4 weeks later) turned orange. I roasted them up and put them through a blender and used them to make dynamite pumpkin muffins!

I just love elfin thyme. I love the fragrance, the way it creeps so low to the ground, its hardiness and its flavor. This particular picture makes me think some kind of garden gnome is going to peek its red-capped head out of the edge of the pic.

Lavendar! My brother said the NICEST thing to me one day. He had come over and I was showing him the new stuff in the garden, and he said, "It SMELLS good here". That was such a huge compliment! I think it was the lavendar he was smelling.

This was a volunteer amaranthus. It ended up freezing to death, but I'm hoping that more will pop up in Spring 2010. They're so gorgeous.

This has become a running joke for me. I seem to take lots of pictures of this particular bed. Yes, that's chard, and lettuce, and spinach, and pennyroyal, and carrots, and, um.... bush beans... And here you can see one of my garden stakes that was made before I decided on the more modest height of HALF of a coat hanger. I'll eventually get this bad boy shortened... Not high on the priority list.

"RADISH, cherry belle"

Kohlrabi. It's delicious! I hadn't ever had it before growing these babies from seed. It's crisp and sweet, sort of apple-y and a little tangy/spicy, like a radish. I shredded it into a salad and loved it.

A purple one! Can't wait to eat it. Yummy!

Installing Path Numba Three. I had had a layer of black plastic trash bags pinned down through the summer and they did a great job of cooking the weeds and compacting the ground. Which I then had to dig up, but whatever...

Digging out 3 inches of soil. (Don't fret, it didn't go in the trash. I moved it to the backyard, into a new flower bed. This is surprisingly decent topsoil - at least the top few inches.)

See, see! I do the work. I do it. Me!

All dug up and raked free of loose weeds and roots. Getting ready to tamp it.

Tamping. And YUP, it's EXACTLY as fun as it looks. Especially when you hit your toe!


DE. Diatomaceous Earth.

Double recycled (was the haunted pirate ship in cubicleville) cardboard and more DE.

And mulch.

Stomping the mulch. Stomp, stomp, STOMP!

And finally, a little water to help it all matt together. Done!

Oh, and a new measurement for my one and only "Jack-O-Lantern" pumpkin. Gettin' bigger every day!

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