Saturday, March 27, 2010


Went to another garden show with John and Joann and her mom. We met up with Tina and Benny at the show. This time I came prepared! I have two wagons that live in the back yard. Both are old, but one is waaaaay older than the other. The older of the two works GREAT! I've drilled holes in the bottom for drainage because it often serves as a planter, but the holes haven't rusted out or enlarged. Also, the wheels work fabulously. The other wagon is not so well off, but I didn't not know the degree of its short comings until we had already lugged it to the show. John and Joann have a truck, so they picked me and the two wagons up. I claimed dibbies on the older one (I didn't know what was to come, I SWEAR!) and let them use the other one. 'Cause at our last garden show, none of us had a wagon, so this time we would ALL have wagons.

As it turns out, the repair job I did on the gimpy wagon was not so good. It kept the wheels on, but only when they weren't turning. If you wanted to turn them, then the nut keeping the back left wheel on would work its way off every 100 yards or so. I just happened to see it happen the first time, and caught the nut before it fell off. And then we knew that we needed to keep an eye on it. We were halfway between parking and the event gates when this happened, and no one particularly wanted to take the wagon back. Besides, we were going to NEED it. We were going to FILL IT UP. So on we trudged.

At the end of the event, none of us had bought much of anything at all. The one, working wagon would have been plenty to carry our collective booty and have room to spare. And then we had to drag the damn thing back to the parking area. OMG. J&J, you guys are the bestest kinds of friends to see the humor in this and not just throw my old wagon right into Zilker Creek.

Not sure what this tree is. Going to venture, a peach. For some reason, it was flowering like CRAZY at the pruning locations. It looked like some kind of fungus. Some kind of pink, soft, frothy, lovely fungus. More pics below...

Pom poms!

When I got home, I felt a nap coming on. So, instead of getting ambitious, I picked something a little easier. Easier in that I could sit on that cushy pad and stay in one place. This is the strawberry and mint bed that I've pissed and moaned so much about. I started clearing out the mint. It's not too hard, surprisingly. The mistake I made doing this first 1/3 of the cleaning was in removing the strawberries. I transplanted them to another bed, and they're having a little trouble. I think they'll come back, but I also think that for the remainder of this box, I'll work around the strawberries. Most of them are already blooming and producing!

In shock. But they'll come back after a long drink of water. And I need to be vigilant about the doodle bugs. Gah, I hate those!

More of the same. I put them in two patches, in the bed on the side of the driveway. They're planted with roses (they're related) and garlic (are supposed to LOVE being planted with garlic) so they should do well. Eventually.

1 comment:

  1. Now this is interesting - I know I published a comment about this blog. I stated that I am pretty sure the tree in question is a red bud. I have never seen one bloom from the trunk before, but I am pretty sure it is a red bud. Wonder where that comment went?
