Saturday, March 6, 2010


My friend Joann invited me to join her and her hubby and some friends at a garden show. Man, o man, this one is going on my calendar for the future. It was sooo fun. I didn't really know this at the time, but you have to be strategic about this show. For one, bring something with wheels. Next year, my antique wagon is coming with! For two, print out, study, and MARK the list of plants BEFORE getting to the show. They are VERY organized. There is a tent for 'maters ONLY, one or two for other veggies, one for herbs, and maybe one for ornamentals. There are a few garden-doodad vendors too. But the serious business is the 'maters and veggies. People have their lists in hand and they RUN to the tents that they need to shop at and race through, grabbing all of their "must haves". People are very nice, but you WILL catch an elbow or get your toes run over. Just take it in stride and grab your chosen items. If you're smart, you'll team up with friends and divide and conquer, with one person going to the 'mater tent and getting everyone's, and some one else in the group going to herbs and doing the same, etc, etc. You can't chat that way, but belive me, there was no time for chatting in the tents. It was a blast! Look at my face - that's JOY!

And I have to say, I loved meeting Tina and Benney. They are "Garden People" too, so now I have more peeps to talk shop with. Don't know how I didn't end up with a pic of Tina and Joann. Insert sad face here.

John and Benney looking oh-so-silly. I mean handsome. Handsome.

Just a super fun picture of the hustle and bustle. This is in front of the 'mater tent. People brought all manner of things to carry their treasures in. I LOOOVE the wheelbarrow. Wheelbarrows are such good things.

The line to the herbs! Behind the little group dead center, you can see the herb tent to the far left of the pic, and the line stretching all the way to the right and beyond! I managed to get into the tent before the line was too long, but I forgot one. I ran out to put my cardboard collection box down with John and Benney, then ran back and was going to try to sweet talk my way back in to grab one last thing, but at the last minute, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Everyone was waiting so patiently - I couldn't upset the peace like that.

Me and my new plants. Some 'maters, an eggplant, and herbs. No peppers this time.

The show was at a community garden, so I took some pics here and there. Raised beds like mine. Over flowing, like mine. And with weeds, like mine! Thank goodness I'm not the only one. (Yes, I know, they happen, but I always feel like such a bad garden-tender when they get out of control. )

Isn't this guy gorgeous?! I couldn't afford him, but I was drooling over him the whole time. He was gone by the time I checked out though, so he went to a good home, I'm sure.

Piggies! Oink, oink!

I did splurge on Joe the Frog. Mr. Burpee is a little weather worn, and I'm trying to figure out if he can be salvaged. I couldn't be without a frog, and this guy's overalls killed me! He had a little girlfriend holding a daisy, but I couldn't justify getting the pair. Gah!

Once I got home, I decided to focus on this weed-ridden bed. It grew one of my watermelon vines last year, and now everything in it is undesirable.

Here, I've cleaned out everything but one little straggler.

I'm pretty sure this is a zinnia, likely one of the long stemmed, hot pink ones from last year. I moved it to the sidewalk bed. I love those flowers!

In its new home, right by the soaker and a pansy for company.

A busted string. What to do?! How will the plants EVER know where their "square foot" is?

Oh, maybe I can just splice in some new string. All fixed!

Planting a bunch of different beans here. The rich, black dirt there is worm castings from my worm bin. Can't wait to see how they do.

A little DE to keep the bugs at bay.

And markers...


1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! I absolutely love the peacock and the pigs! I can not decide which ones I love more. Were they by a local artist? I MUST have them all - all, I tell you! And the igaunas in the background behind the peacock. Too, too cute! Guess I'll have to say yes next year when you invite me up for the sale.
