Friday, March 5, 2010


Momma came in this week to help take my mind off some remodeling we were doing to the main bathroom in our house. The whole process was making me crazy, so mom came in and we did some yard work together. Having the company and the time in the yard did my brain some good!

Mom worked her fingers to the bone, weeding the perimeter of the front yard. She got out every last uninvited growing thing, and trimmed those things that needed it. That was awesome! Yay, mom!

While mom was weeding, I was planting new crops. Lots of cukes and okra and honey dew melon and cantaloupe and other yummy things. I'm watering the new seeds in, here.

I also made the plant markers for my new plantings. I got a little creative with these two!



So cute!

After planting and placing the markers, I went to the areas mom had weeded and cut a gap into the soil right where it met the sidewalk so I could finally install the cedar edging. Mom's weeding really made this possible. She had already loosened up the soil, so I just had to push it back. Thanks, mom!

I have been so eager to get this edging in, but it always fell to the bottom of the list. It makes that area look so clean. It's rained several times since I got it all installed, and it's doing a fantastic job of keeping the soil from running onto the sidwalk after the rains. It looks so tidy now, even with the cute piles of dianthus spilling over the edging.

The other side of the yard. It looks soooo clean!


  1. How are you making your plant markers? Everything is looking so good!!!

  2. I use metal roof flashing, cut with tinsnips. I have two sets of steel alphabet die punches, a ball peen hammer, and a little steel anvil (well, it's more of just a steel block, but "anvil" is a cooler word.) I punch each letter, then use a metal marker to blacken it, punch a hole in the top and string it on old wire coat hanger bits. Taa-daaa! If you want, when you come over some time, we can put a few together for you.


  3. I think that interesting tree is a red bud. However, having said that, I have never seen one bloom directly from the trunk. But, still, I'd put money on it being a red bud tree in bloom. Really interesting!

    Loved helping you get that bed taken care of. I really do find that setting small goals helps when tackling big chores. Each completed stage makes me feel like I accomplished something and motivates me to try another challenge. One small step...

  4. Re: the "interesting tree" - see blog from 3-27-10. My bad.
