Tuesday, February 23, 2010


So I'm working from home this day, scrambling to get dressed and prepped and ready for a job interview. And it starts SNOWING. OMG, seriously?! I ran out and nabbed pics before I had to head out.

My igloo farm!

More igloo farm! I think it looks pretty cool. I liked this white frost cloth a lot better than the green ones I got first. Those got relegated to the backyard.
Mr. Burpee!!!
Before blankets.

Threw some covers over my newly planted roses. Gah!

Even the yard cuttings look pretty with a dusting of snow!
The driveway bed, tucked in for the afternoon.
I put the strawberry cage over my fledgling artichokes, then threw blankets over top of that and crossed my fingers.

And now I scramble to get the backyard covered up...

I LOVE this fern. I don't want to lose it.

Covering the freshly planted pansies and any other hardy souls trying to brave the cold.

Wanted to stop and have a hot chocolate at this table, but had to get to the interview.

Thank goodness they're ceramic, or they would be c-o-o-o-o-l-d!

Ewwwweee! Dandruff.

Cold hippo is not happy.

Cold goat doesn't mind so much.

Dear Snow, please kill all of those nasty weeds so I don't have to pull them up myself. Kthxbai!

That piggy chiminea is begging to be used! It would have been so perfect to throw some logs in and sit and watch a fire. Alas - the interview.

All the while, this cucumber is growing - and FLOWERING - in my kitchen window. Gotta love that.

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