Saturday, April 10, 2010


This isn't going to be a long post today. I worked from about 10 am until about 6:45, finishing the path I started last weekend. With a couple of trips to HD and Lowe's thrown in, and a coupla breaks for snacks and water, I was go-go-go all day long!

Here I've brought the pavers back about half way into the second row of beds.

Made it to the back of the second set of beds, and to the end of the sand I had put down. I had to go get more sand at this point. I also had to make some decisions about how to connect the path to the house. With a little input from Trent, I got it figured out and got back to gettin'.

I had to dig out a few more feet of ground in order to take the path to the point Trent and I decided on. Dig it out, move the dirt, lay cardboard, dg, weedcloth, sand, etc. Blending the new section with the old was a little difficult, but I think I did ok. I don't think it's visible, and I think once all of the sand "grout" is swept in, it'll look really tight and clean. AWESOME!

Dug it out!

OMG, finished! Well, with the limestone pavers. Still need to add in the rest of the grey, industrial pavers over the gasline, and still need to add the blackberries back in, etc, etc. I could go on and on with the lists! So for now, deep breath, cold beer, and chill the heck out! Testify!

1 comment:

  1. This is AMAZINGLY AWESOME!!! I saw this area a few weeks ago when it was nothing but a haven for weeds, snakes, and who knows what else. This is such a transformation and really makes your raised beds stand out. Fabulous work!!!!!
