Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I took a few days off after a weekend of digging. My hands were killing me, and I had some other stuff to do. By the time I got back into the yard, the forecast had improved dramatically. Also, the muddy soil had dried enough that it was lighter to handle and didn't stick to my boots, but was still sticking together enough that digging out more dirt was a simple matter of slicing out "bricks" and scooping them into one of my green tubs.

While Candelario and I made a big dent in the digging over the weekend, there were still more areas that needed attention. This area is one of the trickier parts. I'm going to have to dig out the dirt for the path, but also enough dirt so that I can put in a very short retaining wall. I also need to dig out some of the soil in the bed under the windows so I can amend it for succulents.

The strings show the outer limits of the retaining wall. It's just going to be two bricks and a cap stone deep, and the top will be flush with the foundation of the house. I've never understood this little bed, but it's going to be perfect for some succulents. Because it's right against the house, it's not something that you would want to water a lot. Thus, succulents. Cacti. Don't like a lot of water. Plus, it gets tons of sun, but at the hottest time of day, is protected. Which is good for succulents because while many of them are desert plants, not all are. My collection will also be protected during the coldest parts of the year. So it's a win all around.

Another view. I've gotten all of the little volunteer rose bushes out, and the weeds, and have cut the trench to the 95% level. When I'm ready to install the wall, I'll finish digging it out.

On to the corresponding path on the other side of the yard. I dug out as much soil as I could. I moved the pile of mulch (wrapped in the tarp) over the weekend to make digging easier. However, I didn't move it enough, and I'll need to move ALL of the mulch out of this area and into the driveway in order to finish digging this path out. But that'll be another day. Today I want to focus as much as possible on getting the center path started.

I had covered the mud with cardboard to help us track less mud into the house. Now I have to pull this up and get crazy with the weed cloth and all that mess.

You've met me, right? Just more pictures of the same thing.

Starting with the weed cloth. I pinned it down at the gate, rolled it to the house, then went back in with more pins in key areas.


And then the cardboard went back down...

FINALLY got my "terracotta soldier" pic. Is anyone with me on this? Anyone?

Decomposed Granite.

Another layer of weed cloth.

Paver sand.

Oh, yeah. Switched up the perspective on you here.

Check it OUT! It's so lovely. Sigh.

Strawberry bed, makin' strawberries. And red onions. And cilantro. Oh, I think a cilantro-strawberry mojito would be delicious!


So many of them.

I don't know what setting I used on this shot, but it turned out awesome! This is what I was told to expect with the artichokes - that they would grow on spikes. These were growing close to the heart of this plant, but all of a sudden, there are several new babies, and the stalks are growing like mad!

I need to find this camera setting again. I cut this artichoke and will be buying a head of garlic tomorrow to slice up and put into the leaves and boil. Drooling already.

I have a rose bush with something between 15 and 20 roses all set to bloom within hours of each other.

It doesn't photograph so well. But I can't wait until they all bloom, all at once!!

Lots of them are just beginning to open. I took about 10 different pictures of this, but just couldn't do it justice.


This beauty grew in the sidewalk bed. It's HUGE. Not particularly fragrant, but a stunner none the less.

Also from the sidewalk bed, but from a different plant.

Even more!

All of them together! (Don't tell anyone, but this picture is standing on its edge...)

Still life with coke glass...
And that's all, folks!


  1. I don't even know where to begin. Your pathway is awesome. Your flowers are beautiful. Your energy level is exhausting me. I love following your blog - thanks for sharing.

    Your artichokes fascinate me. I'm so glad they finally started shooting out the stalks like you thought they would. Enjoy eating them!

    And yes - I got the reference to the "terracotta soldiers". Guess that admission price so many years ago was well worth it, huh?

  2. So glad you could see it! I know you were having some trouble with your 'puter. I was going to send you an abridged version but I see now that you're all caught up.

    My energy is waning. I want off this ride! Not "the garden" ride, but "the building of the garden" ride. I'm ready to get into a cycle of plant-harvest-plant-harvest, with a little maintenance thrown in. Ready to move on to other projects!

