Friday, April 23, 2010


Got a lot done today, but managed to forget to take a pic at the end of the day. D'oh! Will try to update this entry tomorrow morning before I get going...

First, the roses. I've cut 5 or 6 of them, but there are still a million or so (give or take) blooming in the yard.

I wish I could blog the fragrance too...

The little spider babies are still hanging out on that lavendar. I thought for sure they would be running away to start their little baby spider lives. I know, I know, blurry. Still working on the camera settings.

Got more stones laid in the center path. I'm still trying to fill a couple of odd spaces, but it's pretty close to being finished.

This is the center path, right near the front door. Beyond it is another path I worked on today. This is the one I finished cutting out yesterday. Forgot to take an "after" pic, but I managed to lay all of the stone in this path!

Until yesterday, I was trying to figure out what the heck to do with this one last section of the yard. In my original plans, it was slated to be a compost bin. A very intricately designed and well built compost bin. One with two sections. You would fill one, but keep the other empty. When the mood strikes, you would flip the collected compost into the empty bin, back and forth, back and forth. This would help it cook faster. But despite my gorgeous design and detailed plans, this idea wasn't sitting well with me. I want the compost, don't get me wrong, but this location is too close to the house. It might attract vermin. And, even with my design and building skills, it would still be a compost bin. Not all that attractive. And it would be smack dab in the line of sight to half of the blinding grandeur that is my front yard. So I was brain storming. The wheels were turning. Smoke was leaking from my ears. And then it came to me! I covered it in weed cloth (for obvious reason) and tucked the edges under the weed cloth in the aisles so that once the pavers are all in, the weed cloth will be perfectly sealed. And here it comes - the big idea!! Ready? READY?!

Too bad! It's gonna be a surprise!!! Muah-Hahahahaha!!!!

Progress. That's what that is, there. P-R-O-G-R-E-S-S.

When I figured out that I couldn't use the bark mulch in the paths close to the house (too tempting for termites), I decided that the look would be more cohesive if I used pavers for the paths closest to the fence too. So the plan is now to have the perimeter of the entire yard, plus the center aisle, done in limestone pavers, and only the four internal paths done in bark mulch. This "fence" path had already been filled with mulch, so here I am digging the mulch out and moving it to the last remaining unfilled "internal" path.

Why the face mask, you ask? When I was digging up the mulch, the little mulch floaties gave me a coughing fit. Plus, I really dig the look. I think I'm going to rock it next week when I start my new job.

Yep. I OWN this look. This'll make waves at the new gig. DONE!

I guess I didn't forget to take an "after" pic after all. Though I could have done a better one. Here you can see that the center path is at about 95%, you can see a teensy bit of the path nearest the house, you can see the weed cloth-covered MYSTERY AREA, the newly mulch-covered "interior" path, and the driveway path, well on its way to completion.

Emptied path. I added DG over that damp cardboard. Then weedcloth. Paver sand will come next. You've seen it all before. Didn't want to bore you...

Yeah. See? Weed cloth. If you peeled it up, you'd see DG.

Same deal, other side. I hadn't put mulch in here yet, but it was prepped for it. So I threw down the DG and this is the weed cloth, waiting for paver sand. And pavers. So. Patiently. Waiting.

Really chipping away at the pallets of materials. The paver base is down to the last 2 layers (just enough to finish the path in front of the succulent bed and the small retaining wall), the paver sand is moving quickly, as is the stone. I opened all 3 pallets of pavers so that I could pick and choose rocks and fill the puzzle in faster. The most distant pallet has been relieved of a few layers, the next one quite a few more, and the closest one is down to the bottom third. I'd say I've used most of a pallet of stone so far! AWESOME! 'Cause kids, it's just LITTLE OLD ME moving these rocks. I've now been told by not one but TWO guys that I'm doing "man's work". I scoff. (Trent exempted because he helps when I need him!)
Here is where I should have dragged the ladder into the sidewalk in front of the house and taken an aerial photo and really showcase how things are moving along. But I failed. Hopefully I will think to take one first thing tomorrow morning, before I get going.
The end is in sight. OMG. Can't freakin' wait!!

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