Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I have a second interview today in the late afternoon. I'm very excited about it. I can either get a stomach full of butterflies waiting for my appointment time to arrive, or I can keep my head together with a little gardening. Hmmmm... have you met me?

Started in the front with a few plantings. Put some red onions in with my strawberries. They're supposed to grow really well together. The onions are circled in yellow - they're young and sort of hard to see. I circled one of the strawberry plants in red, just for giggles. The white stuff is DE - helps with pill bugs and other exoskeleton bugs, without inundating my soil with nasty chemicals.

I also tucked these three peppers into their new beds. The red circle is where I'll seed some habaneros.

Got my watermelons planted. "Hokkaido Black", "Desert King", and "Moon and Stars". Right now, these guys are in the back yard. Once the pavers are finished up front, these pots will be moved into their intended places. I needed to get the seedlings growing or risk not getting a crop! I laid a blanket under each pot so that when it's time to move them, we can lift them up more easily, using the blankets. My friend Tina had some trouble with birdies and varmits digging up her watermelon seeds, so I've borrowed my anti-bird cage from my bean bed.

I realised that this big, sharp, wire cage was right in the trajectory of my two goofy Italian Greyhounds when we let them into the backyard. Margo is mostly blind, so I wove some scraps from a paint drop cloth into the wire to help her see it. It's soooo sad when she bonks her little apple head on things. And the wire - ooh, that could give her a nasty cut!

Mom is helping me remember that "goal setting" applies to gardening just as well as any other type of work. I've had 5 rose plants, waiting to be planted, for well over a month. I decided that that would be my task today. This is the "Trashcan Bed", and two roses are destined for this area. I have a climber that will be planted near that trellis, and a bush that will go in one of the trashcans. I'm going to flip the locations of the big tub in the front with the small tub that is near the trellis, too.

Done! I raked out a bunch of dead leaves, pulled a ton of weeds, cut back a dead plant ( will replace later), and switched the locations of the planters. When I did that, I discovered a mini-rose growing in the big tub, so I moved it into the small one. Everything in its place!

This is the weedy can that will soon be home to the "bush" rose. That's it right there, sitting in that tub full of weeds. Waiting.


I don't have a "before" picture for this one. It just got put in a spot where I thought it would look good, get enough sun, and not grab the doggies.

This is a trellis in the "Long Back Bed". It's the intended home of the climbing rose sitting there in the bottom right corner of the pic.

Weeded the area and planted the rose. Yay!

The yellow circle shows where the pavers that I'm using in the front yard came from. They have been in storage here for over a year. This "Long Back Bed" is getting widened this year, and storing the pavers here has helped kill off the grasses and weeds where I'm going to be digging more bed. The red arrow shows the line of pavers that used to be the front of the bed. The green arrow shows that I've moved the pavers up to the NEW front of the bed. Hiya, Hippo!

Another trellis in the "Long Back Bed".

Weeded and planted. This picture has weird lighting because the skies were darkening, getting ready to rain. It had been treatening all morning! But I wanted to get these goals accomplished!! And I did just that. As I was cleaning up my messes and picking up my tools, it started to drizzle. By the time I was out of the shower, we were getting a nice, gentle rain! I didn't water my plants in, but I'm not so sure the rain will be enough. I'll check them after my interview and water if they didn't get enough.


  1. Wow - you are really getting things accomplished! Small goals equal small successes, which add up quickly. Everything is looking great and you have to be proud of it all. Don't 'cha just love it when things start blooming and the gardens are full of color? Yeah Spring!

  2. It's nice that getting these roses planted means that now, most of the weediest areas in the backyard are at least STARTED at this point. Sort of takes the edge off doing the rest! Yay, goals! Yay, spring!
