Saturday, April 3, 2010


Today we are going to get after this path. I enlisted my handsome hubby's help. We need to cut out the weeds, then dig out 3" of topsoil so I can lay the pavers. Once the pavers are laid, I can get the blackberries planted into containers and moved back into place, and get the trellises up, and the bottle tree, and get the watermelon into place. So get to work, baby! Put your back into it!!

My handsome man, showin' me how it's done!

Break it, baby! Use that rock breaker! Yeah!

Diggin' up the weeds. I have a neighbor a few streets over who also gardens like crazy. I introduced myself because I wanted to offer him the topsoil after it's dug out. It's actually pretty good soil, and he does raised beds so I figured he might like it. I think he's going to come and get it. For now, we're just piling it up on a tarp on the driveway. Anyone else want some? Yes, I had to dig out the weeds, but guess what? The soil mix you buy at any "big box" type shop will either a) have plenty of weed seed in it, b) have tons of nasty, weed preventing chemicals in it, or c) all of the above. Why buy the cow if you can get the topsoil for free?

As I pop out the weeds, Trent comes behind me and removes the loosened soil. He dug the entire path out, from the sidewalk to the back edge of the back-most bed. Thanks, babe! Much appreciated!

I also needed to get this back area cleaned out. This photinia (?? - I always forget what this damn thing is!) needs a good trimming, and I need to dig up the weeds in the alley. The photinia shades a window, so while I'm going to trim it, I'm not going to butcher it. It helps keep the house cool.

As big as this thing is, I thought it was going to take forever. In truth, it took about 20 minutes, and that includes bagging the trimmings. Not bad.

I thought I was going to have to get way up on a ladder to get that poof of leaves rounding the eaves. Not so.

Wouldjalookitthat? All trimmed up, and halfway finished with the weeds. And that little ol' 2-step stepladder was all I needed. And some loppers.

This brave, BRAVE last patch of grass is all that is left from when we cut the sod out two Novembers ago. I'm going to make quick work of that, let me tell you!


These are some WAY cool garden ornaments I found at HEB. When I buy them, people in the store stop me and say, "What kind of vegetable is that"? I just stare at them. The bigger ones are about 18" - bigger than most pumpkins HEB carries in the fall. People are funny. The two "holey" ones are mine. The one with the fern pattern is for momma.

They were sitting on the grass for a few days. I picked 'em up to mow.


1 comment:

  1. "Red tipped photinia", altho I am not sure about the spelling of the last word.

    Looking neat and trim. I love the crop circles - very clever, I must say.

    Your hubby is so nice to lend a hand - and shoulders - and muscle. It all is falling into place so nicely. Kudoes!
