Sunday, April 4, 2010


I'm gonna knock this out. My goal today is to get the fine-tuning digging done ( right up against the fence and blue boxes), and lay the lasagna - cardboard, dg, weedcloth, cardboard, and sand. And, I want to lay actual pavers at LEAST to the line of the back board of the first set of beds.

Tools of the trade, standing at attention.

Layer 1 down. Why cardboard? Because it's free. And thick. Yes, it will dissolve over time, but it's UNDER layers of substrate, not exposed to the elements. So it won't "go away". I think the term is "anaerobic"? - Decay without air is different from decay with air. Maybe I'm over thinking it. Whatever.

This is my pile 'o' cardboard. This is AFTER I pulled the boxes I used in the path. Those made up over half of my stash. I'm sure Trent is happy that this is being whittled down. He's VERY patient with my projects and stashes and piles - SAINTLY patient. But they have to get annoying.

The cardboard that has all of the black and brown lines painted on it? It's on its THIRD life. Started out as applicance boxes at HD or Lowe's, then became a ROCKIN' haunted pirate ship at cubicleville for Halloween, and is now my weed preventative. Recycling is cool.

Putting down the dg. That shit is heavy. Sorry, I try to keep things clean here, but I had to lug about 100 of those bags around today, by the time the day was over. Not cool. Not that I poured 100 bags into the path. I think I used 30, but moving them from the shelf to the cash register, from the register to the car, and from the car to the work area, well that's a freakin' LOT of carryin'.

Whittled down the stockpile of dg, paver sand, and various other substrate that was "in storage" between this box and the fence. All that stuff squashed the weeds growing there, so if I move fast, digging that path should be pretty easy.

I had all of the dg bags lined up, and I kept flashing to that Chinese Emperor's tomb with all of the thousands of terra cotta soldier statues. Maybe I was a little overheated.

Action shot. DUMP that dg!

All the dg, raked and leveled (I use that term very loosely) and ready for weedcloth. It's calico because I had one kind on hand, had to buy 2 different kinds on my first trip to HD this morning, and had to buy a fourth kind altogether when I took my last trip to Lowe's this afternoon. Whatever, it's going to get COVERED!

Looks so good, I had to take another picture.

Weedcloth. This part of the path is roughly 7.5' wide by 22' long. Weedcloth is 3' wide, at least the kind that I could afford. So I bought two rolls and decided to fudge the extra 1.5' somehow or other. I won't put it under the "gas line" pavers, so that buys me a few inches. And with some more cardboard, all should be well.

Cardboard. We've already been over this.

Sand. Again with the terra cotta soldier imagery.

Dumped and raked out as much as I had on hand. I know I won't get all of this paved today, so I'm not making another trip out for more sand. What I don't get paved will get covered with a blanket to help keep weed seeds out.

ShaZAM! OMG. I wanted to cry. It's so FREAKIN' pretty. The end is in sight.

Goal met! Can I get a "HELZ yeah!"? I wanted to get pavers to the back of the first set of beds, and I did that and more. You may have questions. Did I use all of the recommended, top of the line products for this paver installation? No, I did not. I am unemployed. Tryin' to make things work for as little moolah as possible. Will that lead to weeds? Of course, but so would using all of the top of the line materials. Did I follow the manufacturers installation instructions to a "T"? No, I did not. Is it perfect? Yes, in every possible way.

Saying "whew". 'Cause I was capital-T-Tired. That, or Trent snapped this mid belch. 'Cause I just upended a cold one.

Puzzle pieces... I will fill in the gaps with a mixture of soil and sand. I will plant plugs of elfin thyme, pennyroyal, oregano, and creeping jenny in this "grout". All of them will provide color, stability for the pavers, will help choke out weeds, and all but the last one will release fragrance when stepped on.

I'm putting these rectangular, grey, utilitarian pavers over where the gasline is. I'm going to spray paint them, "GAS" for clarity.

A beautiful, curlique new onion leaf.

My sage, in bloom.

My salvias coming back. Look at that electric blue!

Dianthus, pinks, sweet william, carnations...


Verbena, but with better light. So pretty.

The transplanted strawberries, giving it their best. You can do it!!


  1. HELZ Yeah!!! And more. This is too fabulous. It looks professional, I kid you not. And you know how much flagstone we have laid at our various places! I love it, love it, love it! Thanks for sharing!
