Friday, April 23, 2010


Thought I would start this entry with that prolific rose bush again. All the buds are beginning to unwind and you can see that sunny yellow-orange. So lovely...

Still can't seem to capture it in a photograph. Some things are just that way, I guess.

Final attempt. (For today...)

That blasted mulch pile. All that can be done is to move it, one bucket at a time, to a temporary location. Not "temporary" the same way that THIS location was temporary! As in, going on a year and change. For realz! I'm going to mix some of my dug out dirt, this mulch, and some store-bought compost to use as the planting medium for my blackberries. I sure hope that uses it up. This $20.00 investment was a good one, but it has now over-stayed its welcome.

And now it's all moved. I sure wish life worked as easily as reading a blog. Poof, from one picture to the next, HUGE amounts of work are done!

Remember how I said this area would need more digging? Well, I'm about to do it. Have to dig it out to the blue line.

Aaaaannnnd SCENE!

And moving on to the path nearest the driveway. First layer.

You know the words! Sing it with me!

I got to thinking the other day and decided that it would be best to use pavers, not mulch, for the paths closest to the house. Don't want to tempt the termites ya know. And that made me think that I should also do the paths near the other end of the fence with pavers too (instead of mulch), but we'll get to that another day...

D_COMPOS_D GRANIT_ - would you like to buy a vowel?

Going back to the center path... Of course there is a star in it!

Brought the path ALL THE WAY TO THE HOUSE before my body quit on me. Just a few more stones tomorrow and it'll be all layed out. Look, I left some badass on it...

Starry, starry path.

Starting to make a dent in the pallets of materials. ZOMG.

Absolutely covered in sand. Like a sugar cookie. Made of sand. Dropped on the beach.

This was the COOLEST accidental discovery. I stumbled upon this while in the driveway bed, taking pictures of my sunny yellow roses. This little blob of glittery mysteriousness was a spider web full of eensy tiny little bitty baby spiders, just hatched from their egg sac. They looked like a little ball of glitter, slowly expanding on the nearly invisible web. As Trent and I fiddled with the settings on the camera to try to get the best possible picture, they just kept moving outward from the point that until just moments before had been their entire universe.

Looks like some kind of organic fireworks. So pretty. The fading light seemed to shine right through the incredibly small exoskeletons and made each little body appear to be lit from within.

Moving outward and onward. Expanding...

Ain't nature cool?!

Charlotte? Charlotte!?!

And now for a little segment called "Nature Imitating Nature". This is that onion blossom I've been taking daily pics of. It's finally loosed itself of it's leafy trappings and is on the verge of bursting into an abundance of frothy blooms. Doesn't it look JUST like the spider-glitter from above?

Is "blurry" the same thing as "soft focus"?

Still life with roses (including three freshly cut from the driveway bed) and artichoke (tomorrow night's dinner).

More have opened.

I worked much of the day in a cool, light, clinging rain. This was my reward.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah - another star. Such a great way to personalize (rather than pee on it like some puppies I know).

    Did you let the itsy bitsy spiders live, or did you spray them after you took these pictures?
